The Harrower
The Harrowers strength was so great that he can strike down an unprepared adventures in a single blow and even the most well equipped 3 or less. Only by defeating the 6 champions and obtaining their special skulls can he be summoned.
The Harrower is not a mere spawn that you go battle, he must be summoned. To do so, you must first collect the 6 Champion Skulls and place them on the Star Room altar. Once completed, a black moongate will open revealing the Felucca dungeon the Harrower picked for battle. Here is a list of all locations where he may nest:
- Covetous - Level 2 in the large central chamber or Level 3 in the Throne Room
- Deceit - Level 1 in empty room near the entrance or Level 2
- Despise - Level 2, South of Orge Lord Island
- Destard - Level 1, either in the main area or in the back near the shrine
- Fire - Level 1 in the cemetery or Level 2 near the center
- Hythloth - Level 3 on the blood pentagram or Level 4 near the center
- Shame - Level 3 in front of the West or East Mage Towers
- Terathan Keep Underground - In the swamp where the Nightmare spawns
- Wrong - Level 2 in the mess hall
The Harrower has two different forms that must be defeated.
The Harrower
The Harrower will first appear as a small humanoid wearing a gray colored hooded shroud. Once this form is down to approximately 800 hit points it will disappear and the true form will appear.
The True Harrower
Upon appearance the True Harrower will shout "Behold my True Form". He will also appear with approximately 9 Tentacles of the Harrower spread around him and be unable to walk anymore. These are not normal Tentacles however, they will heal the Harrower in addition to themselves. They also have some magical force which nullifies ranged damage (for example, from magic or arrows). Maximum damage can only be achieved by standing next to the Tentacles.
Various tactics have proven effective against the Tentacles, including Evo Pets (though the tamers must be capable and quick), cross-healing melee fighters ("dexers"), and mages casting AOE spells from a range, then running away before they take damage from the Tentacles's "life sucking" attack.
Once all the Tentacles are defeated or out of the way, players can start to take on the True Harrower. He fights exactly the same as the first once except he can no longer move.