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Show new changes starting from 10:27, 8 December 2024
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6 December 2024

     17:35  The Exodus‎‎ 6 changes history +63 [Queen‎ (6×)]
17:35 (cur | prev) −37 Queen talk contribs
17:34 (cur | prev) +131 Queen talk contribs
17:34 (cur | prev) −3 Queen talk contribs
17:33 (cur | prev) +1 Queen talk contribs
17:33 (cur | prev) +5 Queen talk contribs
01:40 (cur | prev) −34 Queen talk contribs
     02:28  Main Page‎‎ 17 changes history −315 [Queen‎ (17×)]
02:28 (cur | prev) −29 Queen talk contribs
02:27 (cur | prev) +7 Queen talk contribs (→‎PvP (Duel Pits & Tournaments))
02:27 (cur | prev) +12 Queen talk contribs
02:26 (cur | prev) +24 Queen talk contribs
02:25 (cur | prev) +3 Queen talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
02:25 (cur | prev) −3 Queen talk contribs Tag: Reverted
02:24 (cur | prev) −29 Queen talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
02:24 (cur | prev) +28 Queen talk contribs Tag: Reverted
02:23 (cur | prev) +1 Queen talk contribs Tag: Reverted
02:23 (cur | prev) −58 Queen talk contribs
02:22 (cur | prev) +29 Queen talk contribs
02:18 (cur | prev) −32 Queen talk contribs
02:18 (cur | prev) +31 Queen talk contribs
02:17 (cur | prev) +1 Queen talk contribs
02:16 (cur | prev) +19 Queen talk contribs
02:13 (cur | prev) +12 Queen talk contribs
02:12 (cur | prev) −331 Queen talk contribs
     02:12  (Deletion log) [Queen‎ (2×)]
02:12 Queen talk contribs undeleted page Main Page (34 revisions) ‎
02:12 Queen talk contribs deleted page Main Page(content was: "[ Download the launcher] and play for FREE! [ Join the Discord] to chat with the Developers and community. == Getting started == The public rune library is located just outside the West entrance to Britain & is placed inside the town guard zone making it safe to use. It is also a choice on every public moongate list, all players can use this area to quickly find...")
N    01:49  Wayne Manor‎‎ 2 changes history +254 [Queen‎ (2×)]
01:49 (cur | prev) 0 Queen talk contribs
01:48 (cur | prev) +254 Queen talk contribs (Created page with "Hue 1 (Pure Black). == Loot Table == <div style="column-count:2"> * Batman Boots * Batman Cloak * Batman Gloves * Batman Tunic * Batman Leggings * Batman Arms * Batman Gorget * Batman Cap * Butler Deed (Alfred) </div> Category:Dungeons__NOTOC__")

1 December 2024

     16:26 Deletion log Admin talk contribs deleted page Daemonic temple(content was: "right|frame Hue 1910 (Daemonic). == Loot Table == <div style="column-count:2"> * Wooden Chest * Metal Chest * Cloth * Boots * Hair dye * Sandals * Kasa * Shroud * Gruesome Standard Atrifact * Gargish Memorial Statue Artifact * Daemon blood * Painted daemon mask * Skeletal cat statue * Daemon claw </div> Category:Dungeons__NOTOC__", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
     16:26  Stealables diffhist 0 Admin talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
N    16:22  Daemonic Temple diffhist +372 Admin talk contribs (Created page with "right|frame Hue 1910 (Daemonic). == Loot Table == <div style="column-count:2"> * Wooden Chest * Metal Chest * Cloth * Boots * Hair dye * Sandals * Kasa * Shroud * Gruesome Standard Atrifact * Gargish Memorial Statue Artifact * Daemon blood * Painted daemon mask * Skeletal cat statue * Daemon claw </div> Category:Dungeons__NOTOC__")
     10:47  Dungeon of the Month diffhist +39 Queen talk contribs